Since Berlin the hip has been fine but I still have a bit of hamstring tendonopathy which has been going on since July . I am able to run steadily but not do anything fast so although I have been able to get in reasonably decent miles I have not been able to do any speed/tempo/hill work as these all aggregate the hamstring.
Running had been up and down. Some days I felt good but others sluggish which I think was from continually plodding. The hamstring has been improving but still not enough to be happy with anything fast. I entered the race feeling confident I could go the distance provided the hip flexor didn’t have a tantrum again. I was less worried about the hamstring as that is more or less OK when running at ultra pace.
A midnight start is difficult as I am normally in bed by then. When I got up at 11pm I really didn’t fancy starting a run, I just wanted to stay ‘in bed’. About half an hour before I started drinking a caffeine drink which must have worked as by the time we started I wasn’t raring to go! I didn’t have especially big ideas in terms of distance. In April I had done 117km on the track. I knew I wasn’t in such good shape due to lack of speed and I didn’t have anyone crewing which helps save a lot of time faffing with food and drink as well as keeping you on track. I thought that 105-110km was fairly realistic but I was more interested in having a solid run and being reasonably strong at the end as well as coming through it with no injuries.
tables provided to put your own food/drinks |
I hadn’t really decided on a run walk strategy other than there would be one! I was feeling good and running well from the off so decided to do approx 1hour run then a few minutes walk. 11 laps took around an hour, the food was the other side so I did 11.5 laps before my first walk and bottle of OTE. For this race I was experimenting by taking on more calories from fluids as I have struggled during night runs with solid food.
lap counter |
11 laps later I have another walk and a powerbar. Stalker lady slows down until I catch her up then she starts her games again. This continued until just after 3 hours when she slowed down significantly and I started lapping her regularly. I was managing to hold a fairly consistent pace a little ahead of schedule but not too far ahead that I should be worrying! I had decided that I would do 11 laps run for 4 hours then drop to 10 laps for the next 4 then 8 laps. For each walk break I was grabbing a bottle of drink and sometimes food. On the half hour I was grabbing a cup of coke and walking for about 10seconds to drink it.
At 4 hours I was feeling good still and holding the pace reasonably well. I stopped to put some ‘novisport’ on my quads. The grease and the rubbing made the lap counter come off my finger. I had already been stopped longer than I would have liked as I had a gel which I couldn’t get open and had to use wet wipes to clean my hands so didn’t want to mess around getting it back on again ( there wasn’t also not too much need as the screen was giving me the lap info. I needed the toilet but it wasn’t despirate so decided to hold on - managed to hold until my next walk - ask I was still feeling good I persuaded myself to stick to 11 laps run few minutes walk until 6 hours! Pace was now slowing as a little but was still nothing drastic.
After around 6 hours I was told I was 1st lady and 1st overall. This was a big boost but also made me realise I couldn’t relax if I wanted to keep this position. The lady who was ahead must have been in the relay. I was feeling suspiciously good for 6 hours compared to some recent runs but as I was slowing dropped to 10 laps before a walk. On my next walk break I was eating a powerbar when all of a sudden I had to go! This happened at my last 12 hour race - no warning!
The lady in second place was running a consistent pace without walking. I was a lap ahead but when
I had my walk she would pass. It would take about 5 laps for me to catch her then I wound gain a bit have a walk and she would pass again. I looked at her splits after; I don’t think thinknshe even went to the Toilets!!
Stopped again for some more ‘novisport’ for my quads which were now starting to feel a bit tired. Once I got past the 50 mile mark I was really happy as I had no issues with my hip flexor or hamstring and had got beyond the distance I managed in Berlin feeling significantly better. I was still holding a pace of comfortably under 10mm and feeling not too bad considering the distance covered.
100km flag |
Wendy had been keeping me up to date with my lead - I just had one lap so couldn’t afford to slack off. I was ahead of 2nd by a lap and a bit then with an hour to go she went past me whilst I was running. Previously she had only passed whilst I had been walking. She had obviously started to pick up the pace for the final hour and throw everything at it. I did not need this!! I was hoping to just plod it out for the last hour knowing that baring a calf cramp or similar I would hit 110km.
I realised that I could not afford to have my walk break which was due at about 11.10 so instead grabbed a drink and walked for about 20s. She gained about 50m whist I walked so I Just tried to keep that’s gap the same not allowing it to grow but also not pushing the pace as I didn’t want her to go any faster. I could have gone a bit faster if i really had to but my calf felt like it might go into spasm so I didn’t need want to do more than I needed. Every couple of laps I would grab a cup an drink walk for a few seconds drinking. She was doing the same but walking less so she was gaining a tiny bit each time. I knew she was hurting though as she was just randomly throwing her cups rather than putting them in the bin like everyone else.
The end |
Final result 1st lady 1st overall 114.927km which I was over the moon with. The race was really well organised, I would def recommend it although if like me you only speak English don’t expect much conversation with other runners!
Shoes and socks
Skechers go run ride 6
Hilly twin skin - no blisters
Food and drink
OTE vanilla
Tailwind berry
High5 4:1 berry
Aminogo berry burst
Genesis pre workout (also took during)
Vanilla soya milk with added electrolyte
4x gels
2x 9bars
2x powerbar coconut
Lots of bits of banana