Thursday, 26 March 2015

Canalathon 75km

I spotted this race some time ago but decided not to enter as it looked to be a bit of a faff - drive up the day before, stay in a hotel somewhere, drive to register at silly o'clock in the morning then get a bus to the start run then back to the finish.  I have bad night vision so cant really drive in the dark unless I know the roads and was not sure if I would be finished in time to drive the 2 hours home afterwards. 

Last month I did the Millenium Way which was fairly close to home and also required a bus to the start.  I really enjoyed that and the canal running (which I used to do a lot of) and the bus was not that bad after all.  In addition my time from that race and the Railway ultra the previous week suggested I would be finished in time to drive home in daylight  so canalathon was back on my radar.  I dithered a bit and kept changing my mind between waiting out in case a place for Ashby 20 came up before finally entering on the closing day about a week before the event!

Registration was at Sowerby Bridge leisure centre were we picked up our number, dibber (which we dibbed into a machine at each check point) T shirt (and medal if you had ordered one - I didn't as I have enough and didn't want to pay £6!).  At 7.20 the double decker bus left for Manchester with the 50km and 75km runners.  The 100km runners started from Sowerby Bridge ran to Manchester then back.  I would have liked to have done the 100km but there was no way I would be able to get home after and as the race was Sunday stopping over was not an option.

I was treating it as a fairly steady training run.  I did have a rest day on Saturday and had cut caffeine the week before so was taking it a bit more seriously than a training run but was not racing.  If completed the course I would have done over 100 miles for the week and with 42 miles completed the previous weekend  I was not exactly tapered!

There was a compulsory kit list including waterproof trousers and spare top layer so I had to use my biggest raidlight waistpack which I just about crammed everything in including cuddly top (spot) who has become a bit of a mascot! I don't like running with this as it feels so heavy but my other option was my Salomon rucksack which whilst a bit more comfortable it is harder to get the bottles out so I would probably not drink enough.

The start of the race involved running around a car park to spread the field out a bit before a few narrow bits!! The first few miles had some steps and bridges so pace was a bit slow but then I settled into just below 9mm which is about how my long training runs start.  The canal path was nice and dry and there was a lot of tarmac but I somehow managed to fall over after about 5 miles.  Another runner kindly stopped to make sure I was OK and we ran along together for a while.  He was doing the 50km, it was his first ultra.  I let him go as he was running a bit faster than I wanted to this early on.  

The route had been marked with spray paint so there had been no need to look at the instructions and most the time I could see the runner ahead.  First check point was at 11 miles where the usual checkpoint items could be found - Jaffa cakes; bananas; coke; jelly babies; flapjack and some meaty things which I ignored as a veggie!  I hadn't eaten up to this point and had only drunk half my 500ml bottle which was not good as I have found if I don't drink much early on I get really thirsty later.  Luckily the checkpoints were closer together later in the race.

I had a couple of cups of coke, some Jaffa cakes and a banana and was on my way.  To the next checkpoint at 21 miles it was fairly uneventful.  I did have a walk and a 9bar after about half way through this section even though I was not really hungry but I knew I had not had enough.  It was in this section where I saw the 100km runners coming from the other direction which was nice.  Same again at the next checkpoint.

After a couple of miles I passed a lady, the first I had seen since the first few miles - the race attracted far more men the women as is often the case with ultras.  Next checkpoint was at about 26 miles.  I was a bit quicker here as I didn't fill my bottle knowing I had enough to get me to the 31 mile checkpoint.  I did top up on coke and Jaffa cakes though.  I was told here that I was 2nd lady although he was not sure if the lady ahead was doing the 50km or 75km.

My pace had been gradually slowing and I had been finding it a bit of a slog but once I got past 27 miles I felt a lot better as it was now less than 20 to go! I was picking off a few of the 50km runners now as they were struggling at the end - for a lot this was their first ultra.

At the 31 mile CP/finish of the 50km I was told that I was 1st lady in the 75km and that I was 4th overall which I was surprised by.  Some people said that they would find it hard to run past the finish of the 50km to go on to do the 75km but it was not that bad although looking at my splits I did linger here a bit longer than at other checkpoints; perhaps because it was a bit hard to get going with all the finishers around and spectators waiting for friends to finish!

The final section was an out and back along a different bit of canal with a checkpoint at the turnaround point.

Until now I hadn't been too concerned about time.  I had thought that I ought to be done in about 8 hours if I didn't get lost or if it wasn't boggy but was not really targeting a specific time I just wanted to enjoy the day.  Time does obviously come into it at some point to help motivate yourself.  So, as I got going again I worked out that even with a stop at the final check point as long as I kept under 10mm I would be done in under 7.30.  I was easily hitting under 10mm so provided I didn't get tempted to walk too much or slow massively I would hit that without really having to push.

As the route had been well marked at any turns or places where we left the canal I had put my instructions away.  I had put the route on my garmin but had mapped that myself.  It was only fairly rough so was not always the right side of the canal for example but at least I knew if I was roughly in the right direction.  Quite often it had told me I was off course when I knew I wasn't but that was due to my plotting error.

After a few miles there were two ways to go.  As there was no marking I went straight ahead.  After not too long my garmin was saying I was off course but I kept going a bit until I could tell from the bread crumb that I really was properly off course rather than it being a plotting inaccuracy.  I got my instructions out - they told me I should have gone right so I had to retrace my steps. 

Shortly after this there was another more major issue.  There was talk of a tunnel in the instructions and there were arrows to follow.  The instructions didn't match the arrows eg it said to turn right after the bus stop but there was an arrow turning left before the bus stop.  I thought that maybe the directions had been mixed up and those must have been for the way back so I decided to follow the arrows but then all of a sudden the arrows stopped before I was back on the canal.  I guessed which way to go but it was wrong as I came to a dead end.  I spent what felt like ages just going round in circles trying to get back on the canal in the right direction.  I don't remember how it happened but I did finally get back on track! 

After this mishap I was really fed up.  I assumed that whilst I had been lost I would have lost my position and knew that sub 7.30 was now out the window so I kind of gave up trying and stopped to have little walks when I didn't need to just because I was fed up!

A mile or so before the turnaround I saw another runner who was the winner.  He said he had been lost 3 times so I felt a bit better about my getting lost now!  It seemed to take ages to get to the checkpoint and I was running out of fluids so when I did get there I was very pleased.  I was told that I was in 2nd place overall!! How did that happen? I had moved from 4th to 2nd without passing anyone! That means others must have been even more lost than me! I stayed a bit longer at this checkpoint as I really had had enough and was also hot, hungry and thirsty; it was nice to have a chat with the chap at the aid station after being on my own so long.

I expected to see other runners quite soon after turning back but it was over a mile before I saw the next runners.  It was quite nice to then see others every so often for the first part of the return leg.  By now I was having quite a few mini walk breaks to have a read of the instructions.  All was going well until I got to the tunnel part again.  I made a right dogs dinner of it.  I followed the arrows thinking they might work going the other way but again they were OK to start with then once I went over the bridge they stopped and didn't tell me where to go.  Now was the time to take on some coconut mushrooms as I thought the sugar hit might improve my mood! I am so bad with directions I couldn't remember where I had come from so struggled to retrace my steps.  Bits looked familiar from the way out but I couldn't remember which was the right direction.  After trying different ways and not bring convinced  I saw the tunnel so instead of following the arrows I went with the instructions and got back on track again.

From here it was all OK back to the finish but I knew there was a bit through town across a car park first so was paranoid about missing where to leave the canal and the instructions didn't say where to leave.  There had been arrows when we did that bit earlier so I was just looking out for the arrows.  As I had done extra distance I wasn't sure from the garmin where to expect these.  The last bit seemed to go on forever and I kept thinking I had missed the turn off.  Eventually I got to a place where a lady was standing with a dipper machine - this was the finish; we did not need to do the town and carpark bit!

Finished in 7.44 for 48 miles so an extra mile and a bit.  1st lady and 2nd overall so was happy with that result especially given the getting lost which as well as adding on distance adds on time whilst you are standing there scratching your head trying to work out what is going on.

This was a great race which I would defiantly recommend.  Its ideal as a 1st ultra as there is no navigation required for the 50km and the 75km tunnel bit will be improved next year!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Groundhog track marathon and Wrexham marathon

It's been just over 2 years since I did 2 marathons on the same weekend although I have done quite a few training weekends lately of 20+ miles both Saturday and Sunday.  In the past I have tended to run easy if doing two but this time was different as Saturday was a track marathon so I wanted to run that quite hard.

I didn't taper for this but I did have a rest day on Friday and cut caffeine for a week which is what I tend to do for races which are a bit more than training runs.   If they are serious full out effort races then I will have a bit more of a taper and would not run a 38 mile ultra the previous weekend!

I wasn't sure what to expect on Saturday as I have taken some time to recovery from last years 24 hour race and my pace on speed sessions has been off so I was just going to go by effort rather than worry about pace but I hoped to come in under 3.30.

I had woken several times in the night (normal before a marathon) feeling sick (not normal).  When I woke in the morning I had to dash to the bathroom a couple of times - cue request on face book for some emergency immodium - thanks Jo!

I set off at what felt fairly comfortable and about right.  I was pretty sure that I would not hold this though as it was at the fast end of where I thought I was and in the back of my mind I knew I had another marathon to run tomorrow so was not going to be digging really deep at the end to hold the pace (although had I been on for a PB - which I wasn't - that would have been a different matter).

I love track races as the are so much more sociable and you get to see people you wouldn't normally see because they are either way ahead or behind.  I also like that you don't need to carry anything and are never far from water/food/toilets.

So the first 5 or so miles were nice and consistent then my shoe lace came undone!!! After that I gradually slowed.  Not sure if this was a coincidence or I got out of my stride.  A similar thing has happened at other races recently where I have stopped at a check point then once I got going again was slower.    On the track the garmin always measures a bit long so I knew I needed to allow for that.  As my pace was slowing I just tried to focus on keeping the garmin pace below 8mm until halfway as then I might have a chance of sub 3.30 if I didn't fade too much.   Mile 14 was 7.59mm then after that everything else was 8+!

The marathon is 105.5 laps.  We were occasionally being told how many we had done.  I was told at 50 so counted up to half way to see what my time was and also the garmin distance.  I cant remember what it was but remember thinking that 3.30 was maybe still on and that my new garmin was not measuring as long as my old one.   Anyway, it turned out that they were telling us the laps in a different way to normal - 50 meant 49.5 not 50.5 - I worked this out when someone was told they had done 100 laps and had 6 to go!

Not long after halfway I knew from my lap times that I had dropped off a lot and was not going to get sub 3.30 so think I gave up trying a bit and settled into a comfortably hard pace rather than pushing it pace.  I had not taken my first gel until 14 miles as my stomach has been feeling a bit off so that may have hindered me a little. The wind had also picked up a lot which made it much harder going. 

Finished in 3.34.01.   1st lady - won a nice salomon belt.

I have not been using my HRM long so it was interesting to see that I did run quite well to effort - my HR stayed pretty much the same throughout.  Av was 169.

Showered then stayed around for a while to see others finish before driving an hour to Wrexham ready for Sundays marathon.  This was a new event sponsored by 9bar so it would have been rude not to take part! I was not sure what to expect after running quite hard the day before but luckily when I woke up my legs felt OK although I fully expected them to feel tired/heavy once I started running.

There were about 200 running the marathon and I think 800 doing the half which started 1.30 hours later. The two joined at around 17 miles.  I had decided to just set off and see how I feel with no real time targets in mind although I did hope to sneak under 4 hours! My normal marathon shoes are gorun3.  I thought I probably ought to have more cushioning on day 2 so was going to wear my rides instead but then went back to the gorun3 as I feel faster in those and that makes a difference!

I was a bit surprised by the pace of the first mile but more surprised by the fact that my legs felt normal and that my quads did not hurt on the downhill.  I put the fast first mile down to it being a net downhill.  However the following miles were all hovering around 8mm which was somewhat surprising.  Another runner said he had looked at the course profile and it was mainly downhill for the first 17 miles.  I find it hard to work out on hilly courses whether I have had more up or down at any point in time so I just figured there must have been a lot more down.

I spent the first 4-5 miles expecting my legs to say no and suddenly slow down at any moment.  I realised that what my head was saying was probably not going to help so I decided that I needed to forget about yesterday and just run today as if it were a stand alone marathon without worrying about the consequences of what might or might not happen in a few miles!

It had started drizzling early on and it was quite windy I places.  By about mile 16 I was quite cold and was finding it hard to move forward as fast as I wanted to as I was so cold.  My pace dropped off a fair bit here, maybe the cold, maybe it would have done anyway. 

At around mile 17 I started overtaking the back of the half marathon.  Whilst it was nice that there were more people around now it made it quite tricky as in places we were running on the pavement.   A lot of the half runners were running two abreast or wearing headphones (which were banned) and were running significantly slower than me so I kept getting held up and frustrated especially by those I said 'excuse me' to but they didn't hear due to headphones.

With a couple of miles to go I was feeling low on energy and wanted fuel.  I tried to get some coconut mushrooms out the front pocket of my belt but couldn't get hold of them and thought other things would end up on the road.  Then I tried to get a gel from the back pocket but all I could get hold of was a powerbar which was no good with 2 miles to go as I needed the sugar in my system now.  My phone was in the same pocket as my gel so I didn't want to mess around fumbling too long as I didn't want that falling out! This has never been a problem before but my hands were so cold.  In the end I just had to make do with high5!

Was very pleased to finish in 3.35.47 5th lady 1st V40  so won a nice technical t shirt (which was the same as the cotton one we got on finishing) and a box of 9bars.  Despite  the course being hilly and harder than Saturday my HR was lower at 163 which is a bit odd!!

The course was OK, nothing soecial.  There were quite a few out and backs or little loops where you could see the people ahead/behind you.  I like that as you can look out for friends.  I would probably do it again but would hope that for next year they adjust the starting time of the half marathon so there is less congestion.